Saturday, November 1, 2008

this, that or maybe the other?

ok, so I'm decisive. Go figure, I'm a girl! It's not sexist, I truly believe that girls, ladies, women (whatever!) have more that they deal with so sometimes they (we) make the wrong decision first but quickly realize (or not so quickly) that we have to go another direction.
For example:
About a month and a half ago I decided that we were going to move Jaizy out of her room permanently (she didn't sleep in there anyway!) and put her bed in our room. All of her toys are in the living room, so that wasn't an issue. We moved the computers into her room along with the weight machine.
Well.... I HATED the computers in there! It was too difficult to homeschool Caden (he needs a lot of my attention) and keep an eye on the little girls, one of whom is pottytraining. I can NOT be in two different rooms at the same time, no matter how much I try.
SO today the computers went back into the dining/family room. Problem solved, right? Jaizy's room is now storage/exercise and "business center" ie: photocopy machine, storage cabinet, homeschooling books and supplies, j's armoire... lots of different "stuff". Is that so bad?

So I feel like I made a wrong decision when it really just wasn't a "right" decision, right?