So, see, it hasn't been 7 months! But I'm not too sure what to post. ummmm....
Kosher (our pig!) is being pretty naughty! So he gets to spend lots of time outside and he doesn't
mind so much (considering he's a pig) and our garden gets nice and roto'd while he's out there.
Pigs like to root around, and we may not actually have to rototill the garden when it comes time to plant again. Quite a bonus! See the picture of our tilled garden? This is where the pumpkins go!
Here is a picture of the naughty pig, dirty nose and all!

I have not been being very disciplined in my life lately. I've hardly dedicated any time to ChaCha in the last 3 weeks and I've only booked a few parties. I need to set up a schedule to work all my jobs and stick to it. Yes I played hooky today too, but not really, so don't give me any flack about it!
Kids are doing well! Matthew has been able to turn around his grades from last year. He's gone from almost failing all of his classes to 4 A's, 1 B and 1C (in Spanish.) He's still terrible at homework so he does really well when he can get stuff done at school, but it's such an improvement I can't really complain too much.
JoNathan got a couple of awards last week at school. One for having 4.0 GPA the first trimester and the other was a character award "Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible." He was nominated for that one from all his teachers, so it's quite an accomplishment. He is so good at coming right home and sitting down with his homework. He really strives to be the best.
Caden loves being back at Sojourner. He truly missed not being there, as any teacher at his other school will tell you. He's doing well and seems to be on track to start middle school next year.
Jaidelyn wants to go to school! (She also wants a visit from the tooth fairy, although I can't figure out why!) She can't wait to be old enough. I think she thought she would get to start when she was 3. So I enrolled her in a dance class. She has attended one and LOVED it! It was so cute how she was watching and following along! It definitely helps her feel like a "big kid!"

Here she is jumping over a "puddle!"

She's so proud of her new dancing shoes!
Here is Jetto. We usually just call him Jett. He loves Jaidelyn like every dog should love a little girl. It's Jason he's not so fond of! But they are coming around and to terms with each other, slowly and surely. It probably doesn't help that Jett thinks he should stand on the table.